how window tinting improves your home life

Everyone enjoys gorgeous sunlight coming through their windows. There is one major disadvantage though – the beautiful light also brings harm. With natural light comes UV rays, which can very well put you at risk for skin diseases, eye damage, and even faded furniture.

Before you shut yourself up in a dark room, we raise to you a solution: window film. These thin plastic sheets that cover your windows can enable you to enjoy the natural light without suffering its consequences. Shall we take a look at how?

Window film reduces harm from UV rays 

Dangerous UV rays enter your home along with sunlight through your windows. As the rays come into contact with your carpeting, furnishings, and even your skin, it can cause a lot of damage.

By applying window film to your windows, you could enjoy up to 99.9% protection from UV rays. That way, your furniture won’t be damaged and you can rest easy knowing that you aren’t vulnerable to the dangerous effects on the health of you and your household.

Window film lowers your energy bills

Normal window glass isn’t that insulated, so heat easily moves in and out. During the hot summer months, you may find that the heat is way too uncomfortable and feel the need to keep your cooling system on for as long as you’re at home. At the end of the month, you’ll be awaiting the energy bill with a feeling of dread. With tinted windows, however, less heat will be entering and exiting your home. That way, your temperature regulation systems won’t have to be used as often, and you’ll pay less for energy every month.

Additionally, the temperature will be better regulated all throughout the room, and there won’t be any hot or cold spots.

Window film helps you see glare-free

I’m sure you’ve experienced that bright glare across your laptop or TV screen as you’re trying to work. You may have even developed a headache or a migraine as a result of all that bright light. By tinting the windows of your home, you can enjoy your screens without glare, making work and leisure time a lot more relaxing.

There are definitely a ton of benefits to installing window film in your home. It’s one that will pay for itself in time too, since you’ll be saving on energy costs. Not to mention the priceless advantage of being in better health than you would be if you were exposed to dangerous UV rays all the time.

If you think you may be interested in installing window film, we’ve got a wide range of products that you can choose from. Whether you want a dark, reflective tint or a sheer one, we’ve got you. Contact Premier Tint today!

Premier Tint are proud members of the Window Film Association Australia New Zealand. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality services and maintaining industry standards.

Premier Tint has a close partnership with The Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) who provides a scientifically based, fair and credible rating system for the assessment of window film products for their energy efficiency performance. 


Unit 5, 20 - 22 Foundry Road

Seven Hills NSW 2147


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